January 2020 Newsletter

UPCOMING GROUP TRAINING “Ethical Practices for Clinicians to Handle High-Risk Clients and Legal Involvement” Tentative dates: May 29th and November 6th Location: TBA Agenda Therapists Over a Wobbly Barrel: Confidentiality versus Demands for Records or Testimony...

September 2019 Newsletter

UPCOMING ETHICS TRAINING through Deb’s BEYOND ETHICS, LLC NOVEMBER 8 Ethical Managing of High-Risk Situations in Clinical Practice: Nightmare Cases 8:45 a.m. to 12:00 East Jefferson General Hospital Conference Center1st Floor of Main Hospital 4200 Houma Boulevard,...

January 2019 Newsletter

ETHICS TRAINING through Deb’s BEYOND ETHICS, LLC In 2019, I will be providing two (2) seminars. MAY 31 NOVEMBER 8 BEYOND ETHICS, LLC WORKSHOP East Jefferson General Hospital Title of workshop still in process of development (if you have ideas, please email me!!! I...

July 2018 newsletter

ETHICS TRAINING through Deb’s BEYOND ETHICS, LLC In 2018, I will be providing only one more seminar. Here is the information: NOVEMBER 2 BEYOND ETHICS, LLC WORKSHOP East Jefferson General Hospital “Ethical Management of Legal Involvement: Authentic Use of Therapist’s...

March 2018 Newsletter

ETHICS TRAINING through Deb’s BEYOND ETHICS, LLC In 2018, I will be providing the following training sessions in Louisiana. Here are the scheduled offerings at this point: JUNE 8 NOVEMBER 2 BEYOND ETHICS, LLC WORKSHOP East Jefferson General Hospital “Ethical...

January 2018 Newsletter

ETHICS TRAINING through Deb’s BEYOND ETHICS, LLC MARCH 14 NASW ANNUAL CONFERENCE IN BATON ROUGE 2:30- 5:45 p.m. Baton Rouge Hilton Capitol Center in the Capitol Room (limit 90) “Self-Protective, Ethical Practices with Couples and Families: Walking the High Wire in...

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Deborah M. Henson